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Chronic Pain Injury Lawyer

Free Consultation: Chronic Pain Injuries

I am Joseph A. Nagy, an experienced chronic pain injury lawyer. My law firm is located in Edmonton. Our experienced injury lawyers serve clients in central and northern Alberta. We help people injured in motor vehicle accidents. Many of our clients experienced chronic pain injuries. If you suffer from chronic pain after a vehicle accident, you can contact me for a free consultation meeting.

You are under no obligation to hire me as your injury lawyer. Please call (780) 760-4878 (HURT) or contact me, Joseph A. Nagy, to set up a meeting. We can discuss a tailor-made strategy to suit your chronic pain case and win you maximum compensation.

To evaluate chronic pain injuries, I work with a team of medical and other experts. I make sure my clients get you the full compensation they deserve for their chronic pain injuries.  Our team of personal injury experts include functional capacity experts, occupational therapists, neuropsychologists, neurologists, physiatrists, orthopedic specialists, vocational specialists, and economic loss expertsWe fund the cost of these experts up front.

What is your injury claim worth?

Find out! Meet with one of our experienced injury lawyers.
We will evaluate your injury claim.
We will recommend a strategy to help you receive maximum compensation.

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Chronic Pain Injuries FAQs

Chronic pain can result from many different types of injuries (head injury, musculoskeletal injuries). There are various medical definitions that classify the period of time during which you need to suffer from ongoing chronic pain to qualify for compensation.  Some definitions say that a three-month period of suffering qualifies as chronic. Other definitions say a six-month period qualifies as chronic.

If you suffer from chronic pain as the result of a motor vehicle accident, you need to protect yourself. I urge you to call me, Joseph A. Nagy, chronic pain injury lawyer in Edmonton to arrange a free consultation!

To learn more about how I can help you, read the Top 5 Reasons to Hire an Edmonton Injury Lawyer by Joseph A. Nagy.

Photo of a woman who may be suffering from chronic pain. The evaluation of chronic pain from an injury requires the expertise of medical and other experts, Joseph A. Nagy, experienced Edmonton injury lawyer.

Complications from chronic pain can make the pain worse. Examples include trouble sleeping, job loss, financial problems, ruminating about the pain, guilt, fear, irritability, anxiety, and depression. These problems cause stress, which worsens the pain because stress involves the nervous system. This vicious cycle is called chronic pain syndrome.

Chronic pain is measured by your ability to function. Chronic pain can affect your present or future employability and may result in permanent clinical impairment.

Find out how Joseph A. Nagy, chronic pain injury lawyer, uses personal injury experts to establish specific proof for claims for loss of future income earning capacity (LFIEC).

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