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Rollover Accident Lawyer

Free Consultation: Rollover Accidents

My name is Joseph A. Nagy, and I am an experienced rollover accident lawyer. My law firm, Joseph A. Nagy Injury Law, focuses exclusively with people injured in motor vehicle accidents. We serve clients throughout central and northern Alberta.

I have handled many single vehicle rollover accident cases. I am experienced in fighting insurance companies that argue the “inevitable accident” defence. I make certain my clients receive the full, fair compensation they deserve.

If you were injured in a rollover car accident or rollover truck accident, I can help you. I urge you to call (780) 760-4878 (HURT) or contact me, Joseph A. Nagy, to discuss your injury claim. I offer free consultations. I can recommend a strategy to ensure your insurance company treats you fairly.

What is your injury claim worth?

Find out! Meet with one of our experienced injury lawyers.
We will evaluate your injury claim.
We will recommend a strategy to help you receive maximum compensation.

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Rollover Accident FAQs

Rollover car accident and rollover truck accident cases require litigation to discover all the facts regarding what the driver was aware of before and during travel. Look for a qualified injury lawyer with rollover accident experience, someone who:

  • cares about you
  • knows the legal precedents
  • has a team of experts to investigate and assess evidence in police reports, eyewitness accounts, etc.
  • knows how to deal with insurance companies.

Protect yourself. Call Joseph A. Nagy. Edmonton injury lawyer and ask for a free consultation!

Learn more about my team of personal injury experts and how I use personal injury experts to help my clients obtain better compensation from insurance companies.

To learn more about how an injury lawyer can help you, read my blog: Top 5 Reasons to Hire an Edmonton Injury Lawyer.

Edmonton injury lawyer Joseph A. Nagy, with drawing on whiteboard of car accident scene to explain grounds for claim to client

Common causes of vehicle rollover accidents include:

  • driving too fast for road conditions
  • falling asleep while driving
  • road hazards like potholes, freshly laid gravel, and black ice on highways
  • racing.

If you’ve been injured in a rollover accident, call an experienced, knowledgeable car accident lawyer to make sure your insurance company provides fair compensation.

Black ice, not seen on the road because of bright sunshine on a wintery day, are one cause of single car rollover accidents. To obtain fair compensation from the insurance company, call experienced rollover accident lawyer Joseph A. Nagy.

Rollover accidents don’t just damage vehicles. Rollover accidents can result in a variety of often severe injuries to the vehicle occupants such as:

  • whiplash
  • spinal cord injuries
  • brain injuries
  • orthopedic injuries.

If you’ve been injured in a rollover accident, contact a qualified personal injury lawyer to make sure you receive the maximum fair compensation from the insurance company.

Rollover over accidents, like this blue car overturned in a ditch, can result in serious injuries - always call a qualified rollover accident lawyer if you have been injured in a rollover accident

When a vehicle collision or rollover happens in “black ice” conditions, the insurer often argues that the driver was not negligent due to the “black ice” conditions. If successfully argued, this “inevitable accident” defence means the injured person is not entitled to any compensation. This defence is difficult to maintain. Call (780) 760-4878 (HURT) or contact me, Joseph A. Nagy, to discuss the steps I can recommend so that you obtain the compensation you deserve. 

The standard auto policy (S.P.F.No.1) provides exclusions for coverage when a vehicle is involved in a “race or speed test.” But driving too fast for road conditions does not automatically mean that you are in a “race or speed test.” You should consult with a qualified injury lawyer. Call (780) 760-4878 (HURT) or contact me, Joseph A. Nagy, to discuss the steps I can recommend so that you obtain the compensation you deserve.

In Franko v. Zurich Insurance Co. 1999 AJ No. 173 (Q.B. (Q.L.), the Courts stated “Mere speed, or carelessness or even dangerousness does not necessarily lead to the conclusion that a race was in progress.”

Dowbload fileS.P.F.No.1.

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