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Edmonton Drunk Driver Accident Lawyer

Free Consultation: Drunk Driver Accidents

I am Joseph A. Nagy, and I am an experienced drunk driver accident lawyer. In my Edmonton personal injury law practice, I have represented hundreds of injury victims of drunk driver accidents. My firm, Joseph A. Nagy Injury Law, deals exclusively with injuries from motor vehicle accidents. We serve clients in central and northern Alberta. If you or a family member suffered an injury due to a drunk driver, contact me, Joseph A. Nagy, for to obtain specific legal advice. I can provide you with the legal advice you need to:

  • protect your rights
  • be sure the insurance companies treat you fairly
  • maximize your recovery.

Call (780) 809-4997 or contact me, Joseph A. Nagy, to request a free consultation. I can recommend a strategy to ensure you receive maximum fair compensation. I know I can help you. The consultation is free, and you are under no obligation to hire me.

What is your injury claim worth?

Find out! Meet with one of our experienced injury lawyers.
We will evaluate your injury claim.
We will recommend a strategy to help you receive maximum compensation.

100% Free Injury Consultation



Page Contents

Drunk Driver Accident FAQs

Injury lawyers who deal with injuries from drunk driver accidents know

  • Alberta laws regarding drunk driving
  • available compensation if the driver leaves the accident scene
  • how to investigate and assess evidence in police reports, eyewitness accounts, etc.
  • how to prove fault
  • how to get fair compensation from insurance companies.

Find out how I use personal injury experts to help my clients obtain better compensation from insurance companies. Protect yourself. Call Joseph A. Nagy, Edmonton injury lawyer, and ask for a free consultation! To learn more about how an injury lawyer can help you, read Top 5 Reasons to Hire an Edmonton Injury Lawyer by Joseph A. Nagy. Don't Drink and Drive printed on paved road, a warning to prevent drunk driver accidents. Victims of drunk drivers should call a personal injury lawyer (drunk driver accident lawyer) to protect their interests and gain the maximum compensation possible. Joseph A. Nagy Injury Law represents the injury victims of drunk drivers.
Financial compensation can still come from:
Very specific rules and notice periods apply. Talk with a qualified personal injury lawyer. Protect yourself. Call Joseph A. Nagy. Edmonton injury lawyer and ask for a free consultation! Glass on street as drunk driver leaves the scene of the accident. Victims of drunk driver accidents should protect themselves by contacting a personal injury lawyer experienced in handling drunk driver accidents.

National and international studies have shown that vehicle collisions, injuries, and fatalities increase when blood alcohol is above 0.05% (50 milligrams of alcohol in 100 millilitres of blood).  At .05%, drivers experience reduced coordination, reduced tracking of moving objects, and slower responses to emergency situations as well as difficulties steering.

Chart, Alberta Collision Injuries & Fatalities 2012-2016:
Drinking Drivers

Chart, Alberta Collision Injuries & Fatalities 2012-2016: Drinking Drivers

Source: Alberta, Blood alcohol concentration:
Information on how drinking alcohol impacts driving

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