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Minor Injury Lawyer

Free Consultation: Minor Injuries

My name is Joseph A. Nagy, and I am an experienced minor injury lawyer (soft tissue injury lawyer). The experienced personal injury lawyers at Joseph A. Nagy Injury Law deal exclusively with the injury victims of motor vehicle accidents. We serve clients throughout central and northern Alberta. We have handled hundreds of minor injury claims.

You may have been told by an insurance company that your injury is minor and therefore subject to Alberta’s Minor Injury Regulation. The compensation you receive for a whiplash injury can be “capped” based on that regulation. My advice is to never accept the advice of anyone, including your insurance company, until you have discussed your minor injury with an experienced Alberta minor injury lawyer.

I urge you to call (780) 760-4878 (HURT) or contact me, Joseph A. Nagy, to discuss your minor injury. Ask for a free consultation. I can help you, and it costs you nothing! 

What is your injury claim worth?

Find out! Meet with one of our experienced injury lawyers.
We will evaluate your injury claim.
We will recommend a strategy to help you receive maximum compensation.

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Minor Injury FAQs

By definition, a minor injury or soft tissue injury is a sprain, strain, or whiplash-associated disorder to a muscle, tendon or ligament. Another word for these injuries is “musculoskeletal” injuries. Minor injuries are also called “soft tissue” injuries.

Man suffering from a minor injury. Never settle with an insurance company for your minor injury before you talk with a qualified minor injury lawyer. Call Joseph A. Nagy, personal injury lawyer in Edmonton, for a free consultation

To qualify as minor, your injury must not substantially interfere with your day-to-day living activities or employment and must substantially improve.

In Alberta, there is a cap on the amount of compensation you can receive for a minor injury or soft tissue injury received in an automobile accident. The legal definition of a “Minor Injury” is sophisticated and confusing to the average person. It is found in the Alberta’s Minor Injury Regulation.

To make sure you receive fair compensation from the insurance company, do not settle until you have discussed your case with a qualified injury lawyer. You can ask me for a free consultation. It costs you absolutely nothing.

If you suffer from a minor injury as the result of a motor vehicle accident, you need to protect yourself! Please call me for a free injury claim evaluation.

No! Do not settle your case just because you have been told that your injury is a minor injury. Contact me, Joseph A. Nagy, Edmonton minor injury lawyer , first.

Minor injury cases are regularly litigated. Speaking with our experienced personal injury lawyer can help you obtain an early settlement and avoid lengthy protracted litigation. It can also mean the difference between a four-figure and a six-figure settlement!

See Court Sets Aside Release in “Minor Injury” Case.

An abundance of case law is developing that interprets Alberta’s Minor Injury Regulation.


  • See my blog:  TMD Is Not a Minor Injury to understand why specific injuries such as temporomandibular joint injury (TMJ) and chronic pain do not fall under this category.
  • Evidence of a neurological impairment is an indicator that your injury is not, by definition, minor.
  • Numbness and tingling in your arms, hands, fingers, or even sciatica, is often mistaken for whiplash.
  • A bulged or herniated disc or a nerve root encroachment in the spinal cord is separate and distinct from a simple whiplash injury.
  • An annular tear in one of the many discs in your spine is not a minor whiplash or musculoskeletal injury.

These are just a few examples of injuries that may mistakenly be considered minor when injury victims do not consult an experienced personal injury lawyer. I urge you to call (780) 760-4878 (HURT) or contact me, Joseph A. Nagy, Edmonton personal injury lawyer, to discuss your case and set up a free consultation meeting.

If an extensive course of physical therapy is not helping to heal your soft tissue injuries, chances are that your soft tissue injury is not minor. Further medical investigation may be required (such as an MRI) to properly diagnose your injury. You should consult an experienced injury lawyer to make sure you receive proper compensation.

I know from my experience as an Edmonton injury lawyer who deals regularly with minor injury claims that involving qualified medical and other personal injury experts to evaluate your injuries can  be crucial in getting you the compensation you deserve.

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