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Personal Injury Expert

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A personal injury expert is a person who is hired to give expert opinion evidence at trial. A personal injury expert may be hired by the plaintiff’s injury lawyer (the lawyer representing you, the injured party) or the defendant’s lawyer (typically, the lawyer appointed by the insurance company to represent the person being sued).

The personal injury expert is someone who has technical or medical expertise and can provide guidance to the Court. Medical experts, in general, are not treating physicians. These personal injury experts generate opinion reports about your case and may be called to testify at your trial. I only use personal injury experts who have been qualified by the Alberta Court of King’s Bench to testify in their respective capacities.

Their expert reports help the Court decide about

  • liability for the accident
  • your injuries
  • cost of future care
  • income loss.

Personal Injury Experts can include

  • accident reconstructionist
  • functional capacity experts
  • occupational therapists
  • neuropsychologists
  • neurologists
  • physiatrists
  • orthopedic specialists
  • vocational specialists
  • economic loss experts.
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