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How to Deal with Insurance Companies

Written by Joseph A. Nagy, Edmonton Injury Lawyer

I am Joseph A. Nagy. I am an Edmonton injury lawyer serving central and northern Alberta, and I am very experienced in dealing with insurance companies. Always remember, your interests (fair compensation) and the insurance company’s interests (the lowest possible payment) are not the same.

In some circumstances, the insurance company of the party who was at fault for an accident may be the same insurance company handling your section B claim. Be careful. In Alberta, it is a conflict of interest for an adjuster handling your bodily injury claim to also handle your section B claim. If you are not certain who the adjuster represents, contact me to have this clarified.

Protect yourself! Talk with a qualified personal injury lawyer before you talk with the insurance company, If you have been injured in a motor vehicle accident, you can call (780) 760-4878 (HURT) or contact me, Joseph A. Nagy, to discuss how to deal with insurance companies and how the injury claim process works. Ask for a free consultation. You are under no obligation to hire me as your injury lawyer.

These select testimonials help to illustrate what I mean.

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Page Contents

What should you say when insurance companies call?

If you are injured in an accident, what should you say when insurance companies contact you with questions? You may not know the answer.

Dealing with insurance companies can be frustrating. Accident victims, like you, often do not know who they should speak to or what they should say. You may have been driving, or a passenger in a vehicle involved in an accident, or a pedestrian. What should you say?

Ask Yourself: Is the Insurance Company Calling Me Working in My Best Interests?

If you are in an automobile accident, a bodily injury adjuster from the “at fault” person’s insurance company may call you. Do not speak to the bodily insurance adjuster who represents the party responsible for causing your injuries. You may be asked to give a statement or sign documents allowing the bodily injury adjuster to have access to all of your medical information. Only your lawyer should communicate with the bodily injury adjuster. All medical documentation should be provided through your lawyer.

“Section B” Benefits: What Should You Do?

If You Are in an Automobile Accident, You May Be Contacted by a “Section B” Adjuster Asking You to Complete Documentation so that You Can Get “Section B” Benefits. “Section B” Benefits are medical and disability benefits provided to you according to Section B of (usually) your auto policy. They are provided to you regardless of who is at fault for the motor vehicle accident. To obtain these benefits, you must complete a Notice of Loss and Proof of Claim AB-1 Form and a Claim for Disability Benefits AB-1A Form. The forms are available on the Government of Alberta Insurance – Forms page. Please note: These are fillable forms.

  • If they do not open in your browser, visit this Adobe help page.
  • To open them on your computer, right click on the file names and save them to your computer. You can then open and complete the forms in Acrobat Reader.

The forms are provided to you by your insurer or the insurer of the vehicle that you were in at the time of the accident. If you were a pedestrian, then the insurer of the vehicle that hit you provides these forms to obtain the benefits. If you were a passenger, the insurance company of the registered owner of the vehicle you were in provides these forms to obtain the benefits.
Karla Bitz
Karla Bitz

I was very fortunate to meet Joe Nagy. His services are very professional and reliable. I suffered an injury after an accident where the insurance company was quick to lay blame. I would’ve been taken advantage of by the other insurance company on my own. With Joe’s help I was given great advice to help with my injuries, was not made responsible for an accident that was clearly not my fault and didn’t suffer with any of the stress involved with an injury claim. I was grateful to be able to recover rather than deal with insurance claims, vehicle repairs and settlements.

I have recommended Joe multiple times and will continue to do so. He is worth all 5 🌟!

Terry McMechan
Terry McMechan

My wife was involved in a motor vehicle collision in June 2018 . She suffered injuries from the collision. Attempts to deal with the at fault parties insurance company, Royal Sun Alliance, only met with stalling tactics , delays, and no responses. Eventually our vehicle was repaired but queries as to compensation for injuries went unanswered.

After some careful research we contacted Nagy Injury Law. We met with Joe Nagy for a consultation and immediate felt at ease with him and his staff. He answered all of our questions and concerns. He advised us on what we could or could not expect and the possible outcome and timelines we could expect. Joe Nagy , and his staff, Jordan Mitchell, and Nicole Adams kept us apprised of the progress and status of the personal injury case. They promptly answered any questions we had.

The result was favorable compensation for my wife's injury and subsequent ongoing medical issues. We were very pleased with our interaction and the outcome with Joseph A Nagy , Injury Law. They provide a professional yet family like atmosphere.

Joseph A. Nagy , Injury Law is highly recommended!

andres celis
andres celis
I was involved in a car accident with a drunk driver, I was left in bad shape. During my recovery, the insurance company tried to communicate with me consistently. I was not sure where to start it was at that time I contacted Joe. We had our first meeting, he explained the process in detail, I was compensated for wage loss, Physio etc. He made sure I was taken care of during the process and at the end of the claim made sure I was properly compensated for all damages. Shortly after I went through some heath concerns and of would of not been for the settlement, my family and I would of been in trouble. Joe is passionate about his work and he will be 100% on your side. Nothing but a positive experience working with Mr. Nagy.
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