Accidents and Injuries Happen…
They Get Resolved Here.

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Joseph A. Nagy Injury Law registered trademark, Accidents and Injuries Happen... They Get Resolve Here.®

Joseph A. Nagy Injury Law:
Best Brain & Spinal Cord Injury Firm 2024 - Western Canada
Best Vehicle Accident Injury Lawyer 2024 - Western Canada

Presented by Lega Elite Awards 2024
Joseph A. Nagy Injury Law, Accidents and Injuries Happen... They get Resolved Here. (TM)

We chose Joseph A. Nagy of Joseph A. Nagy Injury Law as our Best Brain & Spinal Cord Injury Firm 2024 – Western Canada & Best Vehicle Accident Injury Lawyer 2024 (Western Canada). What sets Joseph A. Nagy and his firm apart from its competitors? Every major injury law firm will claim it has the experience, knowledge, and track record to represent injury victims. Every major injury law firm will offer free consultations. All the major firms are successful. How is Joseph A. Nagy Injury Law any different? Let’s look at how Joe manages his firm.

This article is reproduced in its entirety with the permission of New World Report Winners of Elite Legal Awards.

1. Experience

The first thing that stands out about Joseph A. Nagy Injury Law is that each of the firm’s injury lawyers has more than 20 years of experience. So as a client, your injury lawyer will have the vital experience you need.

Each injury lawyer has also successfully resolved tens of thousands of injury cases. That is quite a track record and another real benefit for would-be clients. As the firm’s trademark says:

Accidents and Injurie Happen... The get resolve here. (Trademark)

2. Personal representation with one dedicated Injury Lawyer

Unlike most major injury law firms, Joseph A. Nagy Injury Law will not hand your case off to less-experienced lawyers. You won’t have a free consultation meeting with a firm’s partner only to discover your injury claim is actually being handled by junior lawyers. The same knowledgeable and experienced injury lawyer will handle your injury claim from your first meeting until it’s successfully resolved.

You benefit from that personal representation. Having a dedicated injury lawyer means your injury lawyer will know you and know your case. The firm takes pride in keeping each client informed about the progress of their case, answering each client’s questions promptly, and meeting each client’s unique personal needs for support. The firm’s lawyers understand the trauma a client goes through following their accident and injury, only to be confronted by an injury claim process they may not fully understand. They see their job as lifting the burden of proving insurance claims so that their clients can focus on their own health and recovery.

3. Expertise

Joseph A. Nagy Injury Law only represents people who have been injured in motor vehicle accidents in central and northern Alberta. That specialization also means their lawyers have dealt with just about every imaginable type of car, truck, bicycle, and pedestrian accident. They have helped clients with just about every imaginable type of injury resulting from vehicle accidents, from traumatic brain, spinal cord, broken bone, and minor injuries to wrongful death, chronic pain, PTSD, and more.

Joseph A. Nagy Injury Law is proudly an Alberta-based injury law firm. Their lawyers know the laws, regulations, and judicial decisions that will impact your claim. That knowledge is based on more than researching in online databases or reviewing case law decisions. It is the knowledge that comes with handling multiple cases where those specific laws, regulations, and judicial decisions impact the compensation their clients will receive. They know how to use that knowledge to help their clients.

4. Fighting spirit

Joseph A. Nagy Injury Law is imbued with a fighting spirit that clearly starts with its founder, Joseph A. Nagy.

Joe enjoys fighting for the little guy against the big insurance companies. As Joe says, “When we represent you, our job is to be your powerful ally. We will protect you, ease your stress and financial hardship, and obtain the maximum possible compensation from the insurance company.”

Most injury claims place the injury victim against large, well-financed insurance companies that can draw on a team of personal injury experts to keep compensation payments down. It is an unfair fight. Everything tilts to the advantage of the insurance company.

The lawyers at Joseph A. Nagy Injury Law know the insurance companies that operate in Alberta. They know how those insurance companies evaluate claims. They know the tactics insurance companies use to reduce compensation payments. They have the knowledge, experience, and resources to take on the insurance companies. They level the playing field and make it a fair fight. They know how to maximize their clients’ claims. That’s why they are so successful.

5. Preparing cases for trial

Terms like “winning strategy” and “building an injury law case” are very important to Joseph A. Nagy. That’s why, unlike some injury law firms, Joseph A. Nagy Injury Law prepares each case as if it was going to trial. To prove damages, the firm’s lawyers work with top-notch personal injury experts who are qualified by the Alberta Court of King’s Bench to testify in their respective areas of expertise.

Joe explains what “building an injury law case” means to him: “I prepare cases to go to trial. I build an injury case by using scientific, medical, and other personal injury experts who are prepared to testify at trial. Insurance companies know I build injury cases that increase their risk of not settling. The outcome is that the insurance companies settle most claims. My clients receive more compensation after my fee is paid than the insurance company was originally offering. I take great pride in standing up for the little guy and making insurance companies pay fair compensation. I like that my clients have more money in their pockets.”

6. Flat Contingency Fee

Like other personal injury law firms, Joseph A. Nagy Injury Law charges a contingency fee for the legal services it provides. The firm is only paid if it successfully resolves a claim. That means the firm is very motivated to help you obtain the maximize fair compensation you deserve. But there is a difference with Joe’s firm.

Most injury law firms charge a graduated contingency fee. Some also charge a retainer fee. And some charge interest on the disbursements they pay.

Joseph A. Nagy charges a flat contingency fee. There is no retainer fee. There is no interest charge on payments for disbursements. That can make a big difference in the compensation each client receives.  As the firm’s website says, “Joseph A. Nagy Injury Law’s contingency fee means more money in your pocket!”

Best Brain & Spinal Cord Injury Firm 2024 - Western Canada &
Best Vehicle Accident Injury Lawyer 2024 (Western Canada): Joseph A. Nagy

Among its competitors, Joseph A. Nagy Injury Law stands out for its unique blend of experienced injury lawyers, personal representation with one dedicated injury lawyer, expertise handling motor vehicle accident injuries, fighting spirit, strategy of preparing cases for trial, and charging a flat contingency fee. That’s why we are proud to have selected Joseph A. Nagy as our Best Brain & Spinal Cord Injury Firm 2024 – Western Canada & Best Vehicle Accident Injury Lawyer 2024 (Western Canada).

Joseph A. Nagy,
Edmonton Injury Lawyer

Joseph A. Nagy is an experienced Edmonton personal injury lawyer. Joe provides injury law services to people who have been injured in motor vehicle accidents in Edmonton and throughout Central and Northern Alberta. Joe has successfully resolved thousands of personal injury cases. If you have suffered a personal injury and need the help of a proven, experienced personal injury lawyer, contact Joseph A. Nagy Injury Law. Ask Joe for a free consultation. 

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