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Personal Injury Glossary

Written by Joseph A. Nagy, Edmonton Injury Lawyer

About this legal terms glossary for injury victims

I have written this personal injury glossary to help injury victims understand the legal terms they may need to know when dealing with an injury claim. The definitions are written assuming you are the injured party.

  • The definitions of legal terms can be complex. This glossary is written in plain language to be accessible to the average person. If you are unsure about the meaning of a term, please ask me or your injury lawyer.
  • Each term is defined as it is commonly used in personal injury law claims. Some definitions will include specific references to injury law in Alberta.
  • Throughout my website, you will find injury law terms with a gold underline (just like those below). You can click those terms to read the definition.

If you have suggestions for additional terms to add to the glossary, questions, or just want to provide feedback, please email me.

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