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Alternative Dispute Resolution

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Alternative Dispute Resolution Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) is an approach to settle a Civil Claim without having to go to trial. The most common forms of ADR in a personal injury lawsuit are Mediation and Judicial Dispute Resolution (JDR).

You (the plaintiff or injured party) and the person who caused the accident (the defendant) prepare extensive briefs about the case and submit them to each other and the mediator or Judge. That way, everyone involved knows the position of each party.

As your injury lawyer, I will discuss your case based on all the documentation gathered. These documents may include expert reports, medical records, witness statements, and case law. In addition, you can speak at a mediation or JDR.

Cases at mediation or JDR get resolved based on risk and the willingness of the parties to settle. As your personal injury lawyer, I will advise you of the risk of proceeding to trial. Neither a mediator nor a Judge will offer you legal advice. Legal advice comes from your personal injury lawyer.

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